As Finland, defeat the Soviet Union without joining a faction. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. This achievement works well with "Just proper gander" as you just have to complete "Expand the Agitprop" and expand your Agitprop slots to 3. Don't ask for help in the war. Prepare two Naval Invasions to Hull and Edinburgh. Tooltip debug mode shows information such as IDs for provinces, states, etc when you hover over them on the map. After the civil war ends save up 190 political power to justify on Denmark and Norway then cancel justification on Denmark and redo it, this will give you concurrent war goals to avoid them getting guaranteed by the UK, while this is happening devote your spy agency to first 'Propaganda' in Finland and then once the civil war is over switch to 'Boost Ideology' to get ready for a Fascist coup. Put a few divisions on port guard duty to defend against a Swedish naval counter invasion. with this hearts of iron 4 tutorial showing how. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. If China falls you can alone keep Japan away at the border and look out for Siam because it can turn Fascist by Japanese Focus. Do not follow up to Terror and Fear yet, pick any other focus for now and soon you will get the Anatolian Fascist coup. It's the only quick way to lose because it will take ages for Allies to get to you through land (way longer than your troops going for Palestine will take). It is Peter II, not Prince Paul, that can get the Underage Monarch trait. Romania guarantees them and you, so they don't join. This achievement requires Hong Kong and Guangzhouwan to be taken in a peace deal. Beware of Japan as they will likely attempt to attack and invade Indonesia so make sure to guard all ports and have some planes and ships to hold them off. (Possibly because of every time one faction capitulates a peace deal is automatically made, counting as the civil war has ended). If fighting with Germans (in alliance or not), make bigger war score than they, because at peace conference Germany could first take all Eastern Poland and it'd be unavailable to get Polish land without struggle with Axis. Great powers are supposed to lose that attribute if other nations gain ground and exceed them in numbers, as the number of great powers is limited to 6 (or 7, it was written in the code). One possible route is this: Go to "Assemble the regency council" then "Fulfill the 5th of November Act". I have been trying really hard trying everything from a naval invasion an encirclement of the French army or air-dropping troops on the Maginot line but I just can't seem to get it to work can anybody help me with this? To make the war easier to re-annex them, finish off the allies and Comintern so the US does not join their faction but it is not necessary. Take all statehood-granting decisions when Political Power reaches 100. Has full control of Northern Epirus (805) If you somehow managed to keep your Democratic popularity above 60% such as by hiring the Social Democrat advisor at the start or taking The Birthplace of Democracy focus beforehand, you can return to Democratic at any time after this. No one should declare war on you, so you can sit it out for as long as you want to build up a large army. Once Finland is Fascist go for "Unite Our Nations" and around this time you should start justifying on Denmark. You need a decent war score because you gained cores on east Germany, you need your old cores and the eastern German provinces to get the achievement. Once you have Riga, Warsaw and Kanaus, all you need is Berlin. Defeat the USSR with the help of Germany. When you reach the belgian-french border, the whole of the french forces will probably still be shuffling from the Maginot Line into Belgium while you are already drifting towards Paris. The difficulty of each achievement varies; some achievements are very easy (e.g. Once you reach around ~40% support you can "Ignite the Flames" and will be able to win the civil war rather easily as Stalin's Russia is weakened greatly. Let me know if you need more guidance, I've failed at this more than I have succeeded and there's no greater teacher than experience. The United States is a subject of The United Kingdom. As Czechoslovakia, occupy Munich while at war with Germany. As a Communist United Kingdom, crush the American Dream by puppeting the U.S.A. As Yugoslavia, establish the autonomous region of Transylvania and have it own all Romanian cores. Type :yesman. Currently, if Turkey refuses, the decision will appear again after a few days. Set your subs on convoy raiding in Central Med to help the UK in Africa. Join axis. 8/10 times the German Military Junta wins that war (1/10 they lose and 1/10 the civil war lasts for years). It's a good job, then, that there's a bunch of Hearts of Iron 4 cheats knocking around to make your warring that little bit easier. As Japan, Nuke a core territory of the US before the US develops nuclear weapons. But don't do this yet! Do not engage any factions or wars then. Guarantee Greece and Yugoslavia, and then when Italy goes to war with one, answer the call to arms. I have found the best option is to prepare a decent amount of tank and motorized divisions to use as a quick force and go through the Benelux (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg). Micro of tanks is critical here. Hey When there are no majors in a war, you must capitulate them one by one. This strategy works most of times, but not all. Doing this once the Allies have made a successful landing or two, you can fall back to a defensive line and simply wait. The achievement requires taking the focus Crush the Dream which involves an alliance with the Soviet Union, and is unavailable if the US is already a puppet or not democratic, so DO NOT CAPITULATE THE US BEFORE THE FOCUS IS FINISHED or it will be bypassed, even if other alliance members are still fighting with the US. Then, justify and declare on Turkey - by this point, Turkey will only be guaranteed by you and Germany if historical is turned on, and as you are both faction members, the Germans won't answer their call to arms (do not answer any German call to arms against the Soviet Union until after Turkey is defeated). Having even a few provinces lets you win the civil war easily. The achievement can be gained while at war. Annexed Mexico before taking any territory in Europe B), Choose Fascist Demagogue as your first Political Power spending and turn Fascist (skip Civil War option), Join Axis and help them in wars (Germany has to survive until they research Tiger tank - at least late 1943), Get the Fascist focuses ,declare independence of South Africa, Justify and Declare War on Liberia and puppet them in a peace deal (can also be done by releasing Namibia and justifying on them. Crush divisions in these both cities but don't take them. Build up Sudetenland to level 7 forts via focus, prepare for war against the Axis and refuse Germany's demand for it. When the communists win you can justify on them and they will not be guaranteed. It can be done before WW2 1939. On historical Barbarossa happens in June 1941. Alternatively you can also play a longer and larger game and just simply either ally or puppet all of the major nations and then get licenses from them. If everything done correctly, you can get this achievement by 1942. warsaw_liberated_self_flag gets set if resistance hits 90 in a. In the meantime start going down the economic path of the tree. As United Kingdom, release at least 14 colonies as puppets at the start of the game. Go the Kemalist route through the Etatism and Peace at Home focuses. Which king (or queen) you choose is up to you, I would advise either Friedrich Christian or Michal II. Try to stay out of wars as long as you can. Send absolutely everything at Ethiopia, you do not want them to become government in exile. As of 1.9.0, the event gives a larger portion of units and equipment. Annexing the US may help industrially and the Send in the Zombies focus may help with the recruitable population. Build a few levels of infrastructure to supply your troops, and focus most of your production towards guns with a few on artillery. Now for the final part, make sure you have enough divisions to hold the Axis for a round a week. Rush the monarchist focus tree, you need "Avenge Waterloo" focus. Declare on Finland, but only annex land and click Done. The moment they do this declare war on Britain. The decision to form Greater Greece is unlocked either by the focus "Nenikikamen" while your leader is not Georgios Kosmidis, by completing the focus "The Modern Movement" and choosing to have "Ioannis Metaxas" as your country leader, or by completing the focus "Prepare for the Great Anti-Fascist War". After the Anschluss, you can justify a quick war goal on Germany using the claim on Vorarlberg. Vichy France is guaranteed by Germany. Help the axis capitulate the allies and Comintern, and grab South Georgia (an island off the coast of Argentina) from the British, and Georgia (a Soviet state in the Caucasus region) from the USSR. Another option is to manually justify on Poland in 1936. After completing Unite the Anglosphere, attack from Canada using the war goal that focus gave you, and capitulate them. The chance that the agents will be caught in the. The route which passes through the fewest countries is Gibraltar - Spain - France - Germany - Poland - Soviet Union - Iran - British Raj - Siam - British Malaya. They keep coming back and when they land they have low org, so you can keep taking them out. When the war starts do not accept the invite to the allies. Danzig (85) is controlled by Germany Lend-lease to Netherlands until you can annex them. As the Ottoman Empire, hold the capitals of France, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Japan. If you went with Friedrich, you'll also need at least 12 divisions to guard the baltic ports against naval invasions. The only countries that have to be at least partially controlled by the player (or in their faction) is Gibraltar, Spain, France, Siam and Malaya. Build some forts from east of Fiume through Zagreb as a defensive line. Note you may need to have some AA gun in stock, or the recomposed division may not return equipment to stock. Germany will invite you to their faction, accept this invitation and annex Britain. Sweden should have put most of their divisions on your border, but only rarely do they put any in Stockholm. Yugoslavia can pick the focuses "Reinforce Old Alliances" and "Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties" to improve relations with three of the five countries. Faction leaders are also considered major countries. If France hasn't flipped yet by the time you get Danzig, support a fascist coup in France. Repeat until the Turks have little manpower left in the field, then push forward and capitulate them. There is a reason why they didn't surrender in WW2 you know. A civil war is gonna be more difficult late game tho since the other side might call in a major power due to WT. Flip Communist as fast as possible through a civil war. You may get (temporarily) invited to The Allies, but there is no need to join them. As the Soviet union, capitulate Germany after the fall of France before the allies control one German core state. Go to "Rally the Nation". Dock in Morocco for range. Offmap military factories do not count as they are considered occupied factories and are not specifically on your territory. When UK and France have surrendered and you have Danzig, the war will end. Save at least 150 pp for the start of the war, so you can immediately increase your conscription law. Is there a console command that will capitulate a country and force a peace conference? Cannot be done as Egypt (possibly because starting a game as the UK). Start the game with historical AI off, simulate the first 70 days and keep restarting the game until the German AI picks the 'Oppose Hitler' focus and Hungary 'balanced budget' focus. While waiting for this its advisable to head down to Agrarian Reform to pacify the peasants, after Karl Albrecht is king you can continue to "Support monarchism in Czechoslovakia" which gives you decisions to press your claim on them allowing you to annex them. ago. Take the "King for our people" focus in order to put Mindaugas III on the throne and go straight to the "Support monarchist in Poland". As Greece, fulfil the Megali Idea and then form Greater Greece. If you didn't join the Allies you can start your own faction with Yugoslavia. The Achievement requires the decision to release the nations rather than the release nation button on the occupied territory screen. Build a defensive army. You can also annex Spain for more coastal provinces and factories while you are waiting. As of ~1.10, you can no longer justify on a country that has not accrued World Tension as a member of the Allies. Build guns and artillery. Once S-A and Yemen are no more, prepare for war with the Allies. Then declaring war on them. In the meantime, send all the ships you have, including the French ships, to a port in Northern France and prepare for a naval invasion of the UK. Karelia is easy enough to reconquer that ceding it causes no real problem. Continually take these decisions as soon as they are available to achieve 30 campaigns around five years after starting so make sure to start by 1939 just to be safe. Germany should not ask for Danzig. After securing the Mediterranean, it can easily be done with a small 1944 strategic bomber fleet (without any escort) by taking control of the following provinces: Gibraltar (118), Azores (698), Bermuda (696). Invade USA through the South, ignore Mexico for the time being. Join. Hi, let me introduce myself! By this time Romania should be in the Axis, and once they are called in, they will reject the demand. I think minors become majors when they have over 50 factories right? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. When those reach options reach the point of getting to far ahead in the future switch to economic research. Make sure to improve relations and save up a few hundred political power before starting the imperial conference. Once the faction is created release Norway and Denmark as puppets and they will automatically join you. As the Soviet Union under Stalin, conquer Germany while suffering less than 1 million casualties total. Also key to this is Ideological Loyalty. You now have three of the thirteen countries that you need for this achievement. Then, DO NOT take any Focuses for extra PP income and start competing for the states. You can join the axis faction after the conclusion of the war. Germany must capitulate to you. Declare on Greece after the justification on Austria. As Mexico, put Trotsky in power and puppet the Soviet Union. Importantly, the chance of Czechoslovakia accepting is VERY low. Use the landsturm to hold the line. Turn communist as soon as possible, and then declare war on. Proceed to attack the Axis once Russia is under your control. A third option is to play as the UK - go down a Change in Course (any path is fine), get military access from Nationalist China (on historical, they are very obligated to help you), and launch naval invasions into the home islands (if you go communist, you can join the Comintern and attack from Vladivostok). Defeat France and in the peace deal puppet them and satellite every releasable nation from their colonies as your puppets. As South Africa, break free from the UK and puppet another nation. For best results, complete the "Work with the bund" and "Recruit the Free Corps" national focuses. If Denmark, Sweden or Finland end up in Allied hands, you will have to fight them as well. When the german civil War is over and the German Military Junta has won they always will go down the path to restore the Kaiserreich. You are using an out of date browser. Privacy Policy. Anarchist Spain is created from either the Masters of Our Own Fate focus or the Government Crackdown event. If you still don't have enough puppets, follow the rest of the national focus (the communist path) and pick either "Follow Moscow" or "The British Communist Alternative" and start puppeting the rest of Europe or annex the United States and go after the rest of the Americas. This is the only way to get the achievement without Man the Guns. Eliminate Warlords who don't submit quickly by rushing their victory points or in the case of. You should declare on Saudia-Arabia first, as their port is much easier to invade than Yemen. Poland: Is in Faction with Kingdom of Hungary. As Romania, own a slice of all your starting neighbors. Kick Tannu Tuva from your faction and justify a war goal against them. "Kingdom of Poland" gives You personal union. This does mean you are allowed to puppet the Soviets in a peace deal and then have them as part of a faction. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by If you are lucky, a civil war in Germany might trigger in which case you can invite the rebel Germany to your faction. How to use nukes in Hearts of Iron 4 In order to deploy a nuke in Hearts of Iron IV, ensure you meet the following criteria: You must have at least one bomb in your stockpile You must be at war. At the start of the game create your spy agency and unlock all cryptology tech, you only need to decrypt Germany as they are the only member of the Axis. Declare war on the US, which will either result in France inviting the US and Philippines into the Little Entente (if France has formed that faction) or the US will form the North American Entente with the Philippines, and France (as well as Czechoslovakia) will join, resulting in you being at war with France, and Germany inviting you to the Axis (which you should accept). Is it because they were suiciding about 1.01m soldiers trying to to take them? Once all of this is done, mass produce subs until you can sneak a naval invasion into Britain anywhere with a port. In the peace deal, make sure you take the states with coastlines on the Pacific to extend the range of your navies. As the United Kingdom, put Edward VIII in power, ally Germany and fully control Paris. All you need is about a dozen 20w tank divisions (3 motorized, the rest tanks along with artillery, recon, engineer, and signal supports) and a full army of infantry to take the front like as you push. With the BBA peace conference system, that should be enough to grab the required states (Buryatia, Chita, Yakutsk, Dudinka, Kolyma, Udachny, Verkhoyansk) plus a few others so the border isn't so gory. Countries keep fighting after capitulating. CrasuMOD 4 yr. ago. This way divisions which will retreat will do so to the empty middle tile that your armies surround. The fighter / CAS planes you get at the start of the game you should be enough to get air superiority. Yugoslavia: Prince Paul has the Underage Monarch trait. As Turkey, be in a faction with Germany and Austria-Hungary. Get over 90% intel in each category on a major without using code cracking. Wait for Allies to fight Italy in North Africa. 1.4K. It will take a while to annex your puppets but you should be able to do it without much difficulty. Stack up as many bonuses to research speed (especially industrial research speed) and work your way down the industrial branch. Your production line consists of 1 factory on anti-air, one on support equipment and the reset on infantry equipment. As Italy, take Austria before the Anschluss and never enter a faction with a fascist Germany. Answer (1 of 5): Wrong wrong wrong. Peru can also be easily naval invaded from the Galapagos because even though it has a bigger navy, they won't use it for the first couple of months of the war. Turn off Together for Victory and Man the Guns - this will allow you to leave Allies instantly. Proceed to the focus Towards African Unity via Reclaiming Ethiopia and A Federal Empire. As Germany, control Budweis, Tsingtao, and Guinness directly or through a faction member. They capitulated, and so as every minor including you.
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