Contact your IDP to resolve this issue. IdsLocked - The account is locked because the user tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect user ID or password. You may need to update the version of the React and AuthJS SDKS to resolve it. You or the service you are using that hit v1/token endpoint is taking too long to call the token endpoint. The default behavior is to either sign in the sole current user, show the account picker if there are multiple users, or show the login page if there are no users signed in. cancel. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. . The application requested an ID token from the authorization endpoint, but did not have ID token implicit grant enabled. NgcKeyNotFound - The user principal doesn't have the NGC ID key configured. {identityTenant} - is the tenant where signing-in identity is originated from. The authorization server doesn't support the authorization grant type. I am attempting to setup Sensu dashboard with OKTA OIDC auth. Turn on suggestions. Saml2AuthenticationRequestInvalidNameIDPolicy - SAML2 Authentication Request has invalid NameIdPolicy. Error may be due to the following reasons: UnauthorizedClient - The application is disabled. This account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. The app will request a new login from the user. Authenticate as a valid Sf user. Is there any way to refresh the authorization code? This diagram shows a high-level view of the authentication flow: Redirect URIs for SPAs that use the auth code flow require special configuration. The application can prompt the user with instruction for installing the application and adding it to Azure AD. UnsupportedBindingError - The app returned an error related to unsupported binding (SAML protocol response can't be sent via bindings other than HTTP POST). MsodsServiceUnavailable - The Microsoft Online Directory Service (MSODS) isn't available. Retry the request after a small delay. -Authorization Code (three-legged) Grant - where the third-party requests for an access token to act on behalf of an existing user. ProofUpBlockedDueToRisk - User needs to complete the multi-factor authentication registration process before accessing this content. Expected Behavior No stack trace when logging . Please contact the owner of the application. The display of Helpful votes has changed - click to read more! I get the same error intermittently. The app can decode the segments of this token to request information about the user who signed in. DeviceOnlyTokensNotSupportedByResource - The resource isn't configured to accept device-only tokens. The token was issued on {issueDate} and the maximum allowed lifetime for this request is {time}. If this user should be able to log in, add them as a guest. You will need to use it to get Tokens (Step 2 of OAuth2 flow) within the 5 minutes range or the server will give you an error message. Please check your Zoho Account for more information. If this is unexpected, see the conditional access policy that applied to this request in the Azure Portal or contact your administrator. - The issue here is because there was something wrong with the request to a certain endpoint. Retry the request. An admin can re-enable this account. The supported response types are 'Response' (in XML namespace 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol') or 'Assertion' (in XML namespace 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion'). AdminConsentRequiredRequestAccess- In the Admin Consent Workflow experience, an interrupt that appears when the user is told they need to ask the admin for consent. An error code string that can be used to classify types of errors, and to react to errors. UserStrongAuthClientAuthNRequiredInterrupt - Strong authentication is required and the user did not pass the MFA challenge. Limit on telecom MFA calls reached. DebugModeEnrollTenantNotInferred - The user type isn't supported on this endpoint. How to handle: Request a new token. Have the user retry the sign-in. client_id: Your application's Client ID. The OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant type, or auth code flow, enables a client application to obtain authorized access to protected resources like web APIs. It can be a string of any content that you wish. error=invalid_grant, error_description=Authorization code is invalid or expired OutMessageContext:OutMessageContextentityId: OAuthClientIDTW (null)virtualServerId: nullBinding: oauth:token-endpointparams: {error=invalid_grant, error_description=Authorization code is invalid or expired. Have the user sign in again. Error codes and messages are subject to change. The bank account type is invalid. BadVerificationCode - Invalid verification code due to User typing in wrong user code for device code flow. When an invalid request parameter is given. An ID token for the user, issued by using the, A space-separated list of scopes. Change the grant type in the request. In this request, the client requests the openid, offline_access, and permissions from the user. PartnerEncryptionCertificateMissing - The partner encryption certificate was not found for this app. InvalidTenantName - The tenant name wasn't found in the data store. To receive code you should send same request to endpoint but with parameter response_type=code. The email address must be in the format. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. For the second error, this also sounds like you're running into this when the SDK attempts to autoRenew tokens for the user. DesktopSsoAuthorizationHeaderValueWithBadFormat - Unable to validate user's Kerberos ticket. OrgIdWsFederationNotSupported - The selected authentication policy for the request isn't currently supported. If a required parameter is missing from the request. Contact your federation provider. "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "The authorization code is invalid or has expired." Expand Post OnPremisePasswordValidationTimeSkew - The authentication attempt could not be completed due to time skew between the machine running the authentication agent and AD. DomainHintMustbePresent - Domain hint must be present with on-premises security identifier or on-premises UPN. Read about. Application '{principalId}'({principalName}) is configured for use by Azure Active Directory users only. It shouldn't be used in a native app, because a. A specific error message that can help a developer identify the root cause of an authentication error. Read this document to find AADSTS error descriptions, fixes, and some suggested workarounds. SsoArtifactRevoked - The session isn't valid due to password expiration or recent password change. Create a GitHub issue or see. PasswordChangeOnPremisesConnectivityFailure, PasswordChangeOnPremUserAccountLockedOutOrDisabled, PasswordChangePasswordDoesnotComplyFuzzyPolicy. You should have a discreet solution for renew the token IMHO. External ID token from issuer failed signature verification. HTTP GET is required. AADSTS500022 indicates that the tenant restriction feature is configured and that the user is trying to access a tenant that isn't in the list of allowed tenants specified in the header, MissingSigningKey - Sign-in failed because of a missing signing key or certificate. After signing in, your browser should be redirected to http://localhost/myapp/ with a code in the address bar. This code indicates the resource, if it exists, hasn't been configured in the tenant. Open a support ticket with the error code, correlation ID, and timestamp to get more details on this error. Refresh tokens aren't revoked when used to acquire new access tokens. UserAccountNotInDirectory - The user account doesnt exist in the directory. All errors contain the follow fields: Found 210 matches E0000001: API validation exception HTTP Status: 400 Bad Request API validation failed for the current request. It is now expired and a new sign in request must be sent by the SPA to the sign in page. For additional information, please visit. GraphRetryableError - The service is temporarily unavailable. Additional refresh tokens acquired using the initial refresh token carries over that expiration time, so apps must be prepared to re-run the authorization code flow using an interactive authentication to get a new refresh token every 24 hours. Have a question or can't find what you're looking for? Im using okta postman authorization collection to get the token with Get ID Token with Code and PKCE. Change the grant type in the request. A unique identifier for the request that can help in diagnostics. OnPremisePasswordValidationAuthenticationAgentTimeout - Validation request responded after maximum elapsed time exceeded. A cloud redirect error is returned. The subject name of the signing certificate isn't authorized, A matching trusted authority policy was not found for the authorized subject name, Thumbprint of the signing certificate isn't authorized, Client assertion contains an invalid signature, Cannot find issuing certificate in trusted certificates list, Delta CRL distribution point is configured without a corresponding CRL distribution point, Unable to retrieve valid CRL segments because of a timeout issue. DeviceNotDomainJoined - Conditional Access policy requires a domain joined device, and the device isn't domain joined. BlockedByConditionalAccessOnSecurityPolicy - The tenant admin has configured a security policy that blocks this request. Browsers don't pass the fragment to the web server. Contact your IDP to resolve this issue. Certificate credentials are asymmetric keys uploaded by the developer. This indicates that the redirect URI used to request the token has not been marked as a spa redirect URI. This information is preliminary and subject to change. A specific error message that can help a developer identify the root cause of an authentication error. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, The authorization code is invalid or has expired, WsFedMessageInvalid - There's an issue with your federated Identity Provider. Authorization code is invalid or expired We have an OpenID connect Client (integration kit for a specific Oracle application)that uses Pingfederate as Its Oauth server to enable SSO for clients. New replies are no longer allowed. UserDeclinedConsent - User declined to consent to access the app. InvalidUserNameOrPassword - Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password. Indicates the token type value. Specifies how the identity platform should return the requested token to your app. UnableToGeneratePairwiseIdentifierWithMultipleSalts. Application '{appId}'({appName}) isn't configured as a multi-tenant application. An application may have chosen the wrong tenant to sign into, and the currently logged in user was prevented from doing so since they did not exist in your tenant. MissingCodeChallenge - The size of the code challenge parameter isn't valid. OAuth2IdPUnretryableServerError - There's an issue with your federated Identity Provider. Retry the request with the same resource, interactively, so that the user can complete any challenges required. Make sure that all resources the app is calling are present in the tenant you're operating in. InvalidClient - Error validating the credentials. If it's your own tenant policy, you can change your restricted tenant settings to fix this issue. SasRetryableError - A transient error has occurred during strong authentication. InvalidUriParameter - The value must be a valid absolute URI. It's usually only returned on the, The client should send the user back to the. User revokes access to your application. A developer in your tenant may be attempting to reuse an App ID owned by Microsoft. The Microsoft identity platform also ensures that the user has consented to the permissions indicated in the scope query parameter. For example, a web browser, desktop, or mobile application operated by a user to sign in to your app and access their data. e.g Bearer Authorization in postman request does it auto but in environment var it does not. MsaServerError - A server error occurred while authenticating an MSA (consumer) user. Modified 2 years, 6 months ago. InvalidRequestNonce - Request nonce isn't provided. Both single-page apps and traditional web apps benefit from reduced latency in this model. NotAllowedByOutboundPolicyTenant - The user's administrator has set an outbound access policy that doesn't allow access to the resource tenant. PKeyAuthInvalidJwtUnauthorized - The JWT signature is invalid. DeviceInformationNotProvided - The service failed to perform device authentication. Always ensure that your redirect URIs include the type of application and are unique. Non-standard, as the OIDC specification calls for this code only on the. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. If you're using one of our client libraries, consult its documentation on how to refresh the token. You can find this value in your Application Settings. {error:invalid_grant,error_description:The authorization code is invalid or has expired.}. Okta error codes and descriptions This document contains a complete list of all errors that the Okta API returns. Trace ID: cadfb933-6c27-40ec-8268-2e96e45d1700 Correlation ID: 3797be50-e5a1-41ba-bd43-af0cb712b8e9 Timestamp: 2021-03-10 13:10:08Z Reply 1 Kudo sergesettels 12-09-2020 12:28 AM To fix, the application administrator updates the credentials. If it continues to fail. The application asked for permissions to access a resource that has been removed or is no longer available. This error is non-standard. ExpiredOrRevokedGrantInactiveToken - The refresh token has expired due to inactivity. An unsigned JSON Web Token. The following table shows 400 errors with description. This topic was automatically closed 24 hours after the last reply. SelectUserAccount - This is an interrupt thrown by Azure AD, which results in UI that allows the user to select from among multiple valid SSO sessions. This type of error should occur only during development and be detected during initial testing. It will minimize the possibiliy of backslash occurence, for safety pusposes you can use do while loop in the code where you are trying to hit authorization endpoint so in case you receive backslash in code. Either a managed user needs to register security info to complete multi-factor authentication, or a federated user needs to get the multi-factor claim from the federated identity provider. The authorization code itself can be of any length, but the length of the codes should be documented. ExternalServerRetryableError - The service is temporarily unavailable. It's used by frameworks like ASP.NET. Generate a new password for the user or have the user use the self-service reset tool to reset their password. A list of STS-specific error codes that can help in diagnostics. The spa redirect type is backward-compatible with the implicit flow. Specify a valid scope. A client application requested a token from your tenant, but the client app doesn't exist in your tenant, so the call failed. NationalCloudAuthCodeRedirection - The feature is disabled. Accept-application/json, Error getting is {error:invalid_grant,error_description:The authorization code is invalid or has expired.}, ApplicationUsedIsNotAnApprovedApp - The app used isn't an approved app for Conditional Access. Authorization Server at Authorization Endpoint validates the authentication request and uses the request parameters to determine whether the user is already authenticated. 405: METHOD NOT ALLOWED: 1020 Azure AD Regional ONLY supports auth either for MSIs OR for requests from MSAL using SN+I for 1P apps or 3P apps in Microsoft infrastructure tenants.
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