had been during the evening on 5-5-93. RIDGE: OKAY, WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED TO THEM? The teens wouldnt have minded being asked to wrestle initially and its even likely they would have removed their shirts to do so (especially if LG was wearing a shirt and tie at this time). And its about time we started putting some pressure on him for some real answers. Even if the dogs had not licked up blood, their presence in the woods could mean that their fur would have already been on the ground where the boys bodies were placed when discovered. The attack on his genitals suggests an offender who is ashamed of his own sexuality, possibly confused and angered by his own sexual impulses towards males. Both teens allegedly confessed that on the late afternoon of May 5th, 1993, they had been walking around Lakeshore trailer park when Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby pulled up next to them. In Jareds interview with Hobbs, one of the biggest red flags, according to Clemente, was that Hobbs waited until around 9 p.m. to contact the police and report the child missing, despite no one seeing Steven for hours. fatal accident crown point. The kick, along with the humiliation of being spied on, would have made Terry snap because he did not stand for any kind of disobedience. Buddy as well was involved in the investigation and was under suspicion from his family from the beginning. Its been so long ago you know it may not be in the right order but I know he did come over around 5:30/6 oclock and we played the guitar for a while and then he said he had to go. Crime scene footage of the pile of boards. LG never mentioned whether he was dropped off at home or not, but I have a theory about what happened next, which I will now describe. The bathroom window over my tub was partially open and my yelling could be heard outside. Terry Hobbs grew up working for his dad as a butcher; his job was to tie up cattle and hogs, transport them, butcher them and to possible even prepare and bind the meat. My theory is this: Stevie had never seen the men in the woods having sex before. Biting and stabbing the groin of a male victim is a hallmark of a homosexual homicide. If anyone might know where the boys were going or what their plans had been for that day, it would most likely have been Aaron. RIDGE: ALRIGHT, AND HES BEEN FOUND THERE BY YOU SEVERAL TIMES? I think he knew it because he knew that Damien didnt really commit this murder and thats why he basically tells his aunt not to tell this lie. WAS IT LIKE EVERY DAY OR ONCE WEEK OR JUST FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES YOU SAW IT HAPPEN?AARON: IT WAS EVERY DAY BUT, IT WAS EVERY TIME, BUT IT EVERY TIME BUT UM, THE FRIDAY. AARON: MICHAEL AND CHRIS SAID NOT TO TELL NOBODY, RIDGE: UM, DO YOU THINK THOSE MEN WERE CRAZY? This would be something he could rationalize and also something that would anger him. The prosecution would mention a stick and Perreti kept saying, Or a 24. RIDGE ALRIGHT, DID SHE KNOW WHERE HE HAD BEEN? Stevie Branch was also tied with a less common and more complicated knot on one side, a Figure Eight Knot. 4 Q. WE ALWAYS GOT A PLACE TO HIDE BEFORE THEY CAN GET THERERIDGE: WHERE DID YOU HIDE?AARON: WE HIDE ONE TIME WE HIDE BEHIND UM A TREE. It is much more plausible that Stevie would have come home not much later than the time he was originally supposed to be there and that he made it home not much later than dinnertime. In late 2008, Hobbs entered into litigation with Natalie Maines Pasdar over alleged libelous comments. Apparently, Stevie had injuries to his penis that he believed were self inflicted. Jacoby is adamant to anyone who listens that Hobbs is not his friend. After doing so, they most likely would have walked down south in the ditch till the water was the deep enough and also not directly beside the crime scene. Now Im back to believing it was TH. He was one of four children and came from a strict and religious family. Also, Chris and Michael told Aaron never to tell Stevie. The manner in which they were tied also tells us about the crime and the perpetrator(s). RIDGE: YOU WERE ALWAYS THERE FIRST. The dynamic between them must have been s fucked up and dark and tense. What really stands out to me is that the guilt or innocence of the men known as the West Memphis Three has been wildly debated through the years. ALRIGHT DID CHRIS AND MICHAEL DID THEY TELL YOU THAT THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD GOT CAUGHT. I believe its likely that LG and Buddy most likely used only their fists to hit the boys. Left: Buddy Lucas Right: LG Hollingsworth. AARON: KIND OF. Thursday, Hobbs told Action News 5 he didn't do it. After Terrys attack on Chris groin, was when, allegedly, David hit Chris till Buddy believed he was dead. Almost immediately after Terry would have hit Michael, I believe that is when David would have caught Chris. May 1993. Who would have fed Stevie vegetables if not his own parents? Catch them! When the teens brought the boys back, one of them kicked Hobbs which sent him into a rage. (3) She claimed to have seen them near the spot they were murdered somewhere between 6:00 and 6:30. What reasons could there possibly be for not being honest about the night a horrific murder of children took place? In accordance with the alleged confessions and as stated previously, I believe this kick would have sent Terry into a rage and he would have instantly punched Michael in response. Its intriguing, however, that Buddys statements were, He just held them while the others killed them, And, He hit a couple in the back of the head. Was Buddy really speaking of his own participation in the murders? So the chance of them basing their statements off of the practically endless information found on the internet is nil. The question whether the mark on Stevies left eyebrow is a bite mark or not has been the subject of great debate by experts and followers of the case for years. LG spent the day of the 5th with his aunt, Narlene. Well, the alleged confessions from Buddy and LG finally answer that question. An attorney for one of the victim's mother dropped the bombshell in court today that she believes her ex-husband Terry Hobbs took part in the killings. Due to the suspicion surrounding Buddy and because of his erratic behavior, Bennie Guy decided to confront Buddy and ask him if he truly was involved. In order to have a deeper understanding of what happened, we must start at the beginning. When the boys were found, along with their clothes the following day, there were two pairs of underwear and 5 socks missing from the crime scene. NARLENE: He (Lg) said, if you start saying that about Damian, youre going to get in trouble, I said, well, the mommy is up there saying stating that he was, Damian was with her all the time. He told police that he and his friends often played in the Blue Beacon Woods. A and B represent Chris and Michaels home and the C on the map on the right represents Stevies home. I personally believe that this boy was Michael Moore. First of all, something led the perpetrators to get into the water. He allegedly admitted to Bennie that he had participated in the murders with three other men, LG Hollingsworth, Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby. Join Nancy Grace for her new online video series designed to help you protect what you love most your children. I learned about this case 3 years ago. (Narlene Interview) Additionally, she lied about seeing Damien and her niece, Domini walking away from the crime scene sometime around 9:30 the night of the murders. As Michael was carried back to Terry, he allegedly kicked him. The reason for the prosecutions stance, I believe, is because the bitemark never matched Echols, Baldwin or Misskelley. (1, 2,) He originally claims to have asked his aunt for a ride home, that she said no, and he left and began to walk home. On the right side, it appeared as if he had been hit with something that was flat. What other reason could there be? Terry was born in Northern Arkansas and grew up in the Ozark Mountain region of the state. Which is right in line with why this attack would have occurred. That makes sense to me. When police were searching for the boys on the fifth, they were not inspecting a crime scene, they were simply trying to find three boys. If the bikes had been found immediately, then the focus would have very quickly zeroed in on the people who were last with the victims. Did TH kill Stevie to "get even" or was it just his rage gone too far? According to Gary Gitchell, there was rainfall on at least one or two of those nights. And also bit him in his penis perhaps once or twice. 1. At that time and also later, when Bennie sent his letter and Billy was contacted, both men were in prison, separately. and our Especially considering that they are remembering this event 18 years later for one, and for two, there were multiple sightings of the boys from 6pm-6:30 on the street beside the woods, quite a ways away from the Hobbs home, as well as the woods themselves. AARON: MICHAEL AND CHRIS SAID NOT TO TELL NOBODY. I just can't get it out of my head. Especially considering how extremely rare it is for a victim to be tied in this manner. I admit that when I first read the alleged Buddy/LG confessions I was skeptical. I allege that after Stevie and Chris had been stripped and attacked, Terry began to tie up Stevie. The 3 were let out of jail on an Alford Plea, which means that they admit that there is enough evidence to find them guilty (and thus the case is considered closed) but still maintain that they are innocent. Once Stevie and Chris were naked, both Bennie and Billy claim that Terry approached the boy David had been hitting, told someone to hold his legs and began to bite his scrotum repeatedly and stab at his groin. VICKIE: IT WAS COPSRIDGE: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DEAD ON? Before I summarize what the Guy/Stewart affidavits reveal, Id like to summarize the statements made by Aaron Hutchinson in his first two interviews. The problem with that is that Chris was under the carport cleaning at 5:30, according to both of his parents. When Dixie told her of him coming in to the laundry in the small car she asked if she was sure that it wasnt Richard Simpsons car. We know this because it appeared as though Stevie had struggled while he was restrained. AARON: AND THEN SOMETIMES WE WATCHED THESE MEN. According to Bennies statement, Terry stopped for a moment to yell, Im going to teach your fucking ass! DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE CLUB HOUSE WAS? He flat out states that there is "not one shred of evidence and noting in the behavioral backgrounds of Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, or Jessie Misskelley Jr. to suggest that any were guilty of murder." AH I SAID ARRON YOU KNOW THAT THEY TOOK THEIR CLOTHES OFF WHY DIDNT YOU LEAVE? VICKIE: HE STAYED. His alibi for the night of the murders was shaky (the friend he says he was with says he left for a while) and he acted strangely towards his wife when he went to pick her up from work, walking past her and not saying anything, just calling the police to report the boys missing. Even more incriminating, is that Narlenes sister said that only Narlene and her husband picked her up from work. What was he doing for so many hours in that small patch of woods? In 2011, the defendants were released from prison by accepting an Alford Plea, which allowed them to maintain their innocence and get out of prison, However, the plea didnt clear their convictions and all three men still have a murder charge on their record, despite their release from prison. The problem with this statement is this: for one, Jacoby claims he asked Terry where Stevie was. Just finished the trilogy and West of Memphis and I noticed something that made THE lightbulb off about him. David claims a little black girl told them the boys were heading to the woods. Due to the possibility that they wiped these items on their skin, I believe Terry would have taken those items with them when they left. Or alone at night with people swarming the area. He was home during the evenings when his wife worked a four-hour shift at Catfish Island. ADVERTISEMENT I believe, that the ME was speaking of long term sexual abuse of a child. Buddy allegedly confessed that when the four returned to the truck, Terry and David looked to the teens and promised to kill them if they ever spoke of the crime to anyone. When LG was interviewed by police one of the things they noted was LGs suspicious relationship with Richard Simpson. This brings us to around 6pm at night. What people forget is that we dont knowwhosaid that Terry propositioned Jacoby. I know that all the experts agree that Michael was unconscious while he was tied up but I dont know about Stevie.. And the reason he was never questioned was because being a dude who was into dick in Arkansas in the 90s wasn't okayespecially among cops. Why would she lie about seeing the three boys that day? AARON: BEFORE THEY DID ANYTHING THEY WENT UP TO MY MAMAS TRUCK AND THEY ASKED HER IF I COULD GO OVER TO MICHAELS HOUSE TO GO UH, GO, GO WITH, GO WITH THEM TO PLAY SOME WHERE THAT WAS WHERE OUR CLUB WAS. The question is, why? I'm sure he got it the worst from Terry, too. One woman, in particular, saw the boys inside the woods from her truck when traffic has slowed. Not only did Billy Stewart allege to have seen David and Terry kiss two different times, but he also claims to have delivered drugs to both men at a gay bar called J-Wags. Mark Byers stated that Terry arrived at his home sometime after Meeks left. So, essentially, the boys were trapped unless they were able to get to the log. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moore's parents asked Aaron's mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. After ending his first marriage, he wed Pamela Hicks Branch in 1986, when her son Stevie was almost 2 years old. Why in the world were the two men (or Terry alone) searching for the boys when it was light out if Terry had already said that Stevie could stay out till 8:00 pm? Shortly after arriving home, Terry was out in his driveway with Amanda, saw the boys outside Jamie Ballards home and called them to come to the house. (source) LG had been job hunting that day and was likely wearing a shirt and tie for his interviews. RIDGE: IT WAS EARLY IN THE MORNING OR LATE AT NIGHT OR LATE IN THE EVENING? A bitemark on Stevies face would lend credibility to the statement that another bite occurred on Chris genital area. One mystery that has plagued people who have followed the case, is why it appeared that Stevie and Chris were tortured while Michael was not. Aaron, Michael and Chris had always gone without Stevie and the one time Stevie did go, the men did not show up. Due to the fact that the three were so severely injured, a weapon had to have been used at some point. The question about Terry having a drug dealer name Ray could also possibly be significant. RIDGE: DOING NASTY STUFF, WHERE DID YOU SEE THEM DOING THIS STUFF? However, there is no mention of animal prints at the scene, as far as I know, nor car tracks found in the field next to those woods. I believe it was because Stevie was hit repeatedly on the left side of the face by LG. The bottom line is very simple: Terry, David, LG and Buddy all liedabout their whereabouts that night. [5], In 2003, Hobbs was arrested for possession of marijuana and found guilty.[6]. Additionally, there is an ample amount of evidence, in my opinion, that Terry might have sexually abused all of his children. thanks for the recommendation!! For the rest of the night the families, neighbors, friends and police search for the boys. If you read this report, it discusses threats Damien made against his parents, and they say they do not want him in their home because they are afraid of him and afraid of what he would do to the other children: http://callahan.8k.com/images/500/1/150.jpg. If the purpose in stripping the boys was to demean and humiliate them, then Terry would have wanted them to be conscious while he did it. I have a theory about what weapon it could have been. If the cop has power, it's easy. I believe this somehow got back to Narlene, who began to feel that it was her duty that justice be served. Right as this happened, Terry, who was their neighbor, called to Stevie to come home. CHRISTY, I WAS TALKING TO A GIRL NAMED CHRISTY AND SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE THOUGHT THEY HAD FOUND ONE OF THE BODIES. : de-gloving, was because of animal predation that occurred after death. Its likely that Terry was already heading to Billy Stewarts home since, according to Billy, he was Terrys drug dealer at this time. OKAY WHAT WERE THESE MAN DOING? And keeping the knife as a trophy? The question about Terry propositioning David Jacoby has lead some people to defend Jacoby, claiming that he would not have told people he was propositioned if he really had a secret gay relationship with Terry Hobbs. RIDGE OKAY, THEN HE WAS AT LAKESHORE AND LEAVING TO GO SOME WHERE? I cant be sure, but its possible that the interviewer in this deposition meant Roy not Ray. Have you had a drug dealer named Ray? [Feature Photo: Murder victims Chris Byers, Michael Moore and Stevie Branch/UMKC School of Law], Alex Murdaugh Begins Prison Sentence With New Haircut, What About Buster Murdaugh? John Douglas claimed to have searched murders all over the world and could not identityone other timethat this method of tying someone up was used. This is just more evidence to support the statements from Stevies family that he was being abused by Terry.). According to Pam Hicks, Terry was wearing shorts that afternoon. This case has just been trapped in my mind since I heard about it and it breaks my heart every single day. [3], Terry Hobbs was 24 years old when he broke into the home of a neighbor, Mildred French. Those who believe they are innocent claim it was a witch hunt due to Satanic Panic. RIDGE: OKAY. However, the police knew LG was lying to them and yet his DNA, hair and prints have presumably never been tested against those found at the scene.
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